Monday, May 29, 2017


I have noticed that over the course of the past 10 years, there have been more and more people interested in hiking, especially the Adirondick 46. From one perspective it's exciting that other people are enjoying hiking and getting away for a little while to take a break from our very fast paced lifestyle. But with all good things there are some bad. I remember a few years ago it was so crowded on Big Slide we couldn't find a spot to take a seat. There were so many people that most photos taken at the summit had people in the background. Crowds also take away from the serenity of a mountain top experience. It feels like a busy city street with a nice mountain view backdrop. More people means more trash on the trail and other irresponsible actions of careless hikers.

A recent article in the Adirondack Explorer magazine inspired this post. The article stated that more and more garbage, more specifically beer cans, kegs, and wine bottles, were left at the summits and along the trail. First of all any alcoholic beverage consumption on a hike doesn't do the body any good. The drink of choice on the hike should be water, with a little water and some more water. Other beverages don't provide enough electrolytes to replenish the ones quickly lost due to sweat and excessive muscle use.

On a lighter note, I have really enoyed hiking since I started 14 years ago which has resulted in hiking 27/46 mountains with a few hiked multiple times. I also enjoy talking to anyone interested in the Adirondicks or thinking about checking it out for the first time. Over the years my wife and I have  over a dozen people to hiking in the gorgeous mountains up north. So if you need to ask a question or two about a new hike, feel free to message me on Facebook, ask in the comments section below, or if you have my cell number, call or text. If I can't answer your questions then there are 2 well seasoned bloggers that I follow that have helped me plan a few hikes.

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