Thursday, June 27, 2013


Ever since I started watching the show BBQ Pit Masters, where Myron Mixon cooks some amazing foods via the smoking process, I had to try cooking the Cupcake Chicken myself. It definitely looks good but I had to prove it to myself on the taste.

A couple days I finally gave Myron's recipe a try and it was all worth it. My wife and I hosted a dinner for some family after the birth of our son, Adrian. I smoked pulled pork and some chicken because some family members didn't eat pork. The meats of the day were pulled pork, cupcake chicken and full chicken legs (drumstick and thigh bone). Of all the meats cupcake chicken disappeared first and was the favorite. I honestly didn't get a chance to eat a whole one myself but had a couple pieces from my daughters leftover plate.

Its a very simple recipe and the results are great. Stay tuned!

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