Saturday, September 26, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015


I was able to check off, whitewater rafting off my list this past week. There are a few really nice locations in the ADK for this adrenaline filled activity. (Our guide gave us a run down of the locations: #1 for intensity is the Moose River, followed by the Hudson and then the Black River.)

Professional photography was by Melody Thomas.

While researching things to do at Indian Lake, I learned that there were 2 companies in town to choose from. We decided to go with Adventure Sports Rafting Co. for the following reasons: it was $10 cheaper/person, there was a chicken BBQ after the trip and it was the closest to where we were staying.

At the shop we met our guide Liam who gave a brief intro and instructions on the commands and paddling technique. That day we had Class II-III Rapids. Although the chances of going over board were lower, our guide gave specific instructions on what to do if that should happen.

From the shop we were transported to the river head just below the dam. The river level is regulated by a dam, with water coming from Indian Lake and further north Lake Abanakee. The dam is then opened for 2 hr on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. There are roughly 10 companies that use the river on the specific days. It was a bit later in the rafting season so the crowds were a lot smaller. There were 1-2 boats represented by each company on that day. Each guide takes one trip down the river. Our guide Liam has been down that river 58 times this year.

The rafting trip was 17 miles long and went through a series of rapids and flats. For the first time whitewater experience it was nice to get a break from paddling and simply enjoy the scenery. 

As we made our way down the river I noticed that our guide really got us involved in paddling as compared to the other guides in other companies. In the other boats the guide was doing most of the steering and paddling. 

A few miles into the trip we came across a large rock in the middle of the river, and so we hung around the rock with other boats and took turns jumping 15 ft into the deep waters below. The water was mid-60's and to was a pleasant way to cool off. 

Roughly half-way down the river, we took a short lunch on the shore, just below Virgin Falls. The company provided a cold juice drink and a candy bar. It was definitely a light lunch but it kept you going. Then we took a 3 minute hike to the falls above. It has been dry for several weeks so the falls weren't very impressive. The photo below was taken by Melody at a different time.   

This second half of the trip contained the more exciting rapids. We also floated by the Blue Ridge Cliff. It was also interesting to see the steeper terrain of the river and therefore producing rapid flow.

Then we came to a spot where Melody was taking photos on the side. Later in the trip, she passed our boat. 

There was plenty of opportunities to get wet, so it was nice to wear a duo-dry t-shirt and water shoes. 

We made it through the rapids, without losing anyone overboard. But there were a few close calls. 

The last 3 miles of the trip were very difficult to enjoy because the water became very shallow and we were bottoming out a few times per mile. It was really hot with minimal breeze relief. Our guide explained that we might have gotten to far ahead of the "bubble" or the higher water flow. We finally made it to the pick-up spot and were transported back to the shop. As were got out of the water, some of the people noticed a sudden increase of water, proving to us that we definitely got ahead of the bubble. 

Liam gave us some recommendation when to come in the Spring if we wanted to experience the Class IV-V Rapids. He also pointed out that Adventure Sports Rafting provides heavier and more durable boats, making for more pleasant trip during the higher rapids. 

Overall, it was a very exciting trip. Liam was a great guide and will definitely come back in the Spring to experience the higher water.  

 A video of the trip will be posted soon. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015


The camping trip was the highlight for our kids this summer. The weather was really nice the whole week so there was plenty of things to do. They were constantly on the move. There were only a couple times when they would actually sit: on the deck, when watching a movie or in their family room make shift tent. 

Adrian and Nathan picked water lilies for their mothers during a kayak trip. 

The first couple days were cloudy and windy so they just played on the dock and waded in the water with their rain boots.

Adrian had a blast climbing most of the large rocks in the backyard. 

Alexis really wanted swim and her patience was running short on the first couple cooler days but she survived and enjoyed swimming twice a day for 4 days. 

Mr. Duke began swimming for the first time. He was hesitant for the first couple feet and would immediately turn around but became progressively braver. At one point he followed me in the kayak well into the deeper water. 

We are a camping family. And we are proud of it.

Alexis asked if we could take a photo of her jumping in the air because she had seen it somewhere. It turned out well and she was really excited. 

Adrian and I had a couple bonding moments on a couple kayaking trips. He loved kayaking every time we were in the boat. 

Just prior to the trip I stopped by Walmart and purchased a Cars themed fishing pole with a weighted fish so that he could practice casting. He practiced for a few days and then he took it with him on a kayaking trip. Out in the middle of the lake he just lets go of it and it sinks like a rock. 

Me and my good dog

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It is nice to have great friends, but its even better to go camping with them! We created many great memories together this past week and we will remember them for many years to come. It was really nice to see 3 families come together and have an absolutely great time in everything that we did together.  

Ladies in the kitchen

my beauty posing

Uncle giving grilling lesson to Nathan

Boys getting fishing gear setup

Bonfire time with smores

Olya and Sergey just chilling

Sharing meals together

One evening after a fishing trip, I notice the boys hauling something with their kayaks, they found some nice campfire wood on the shore where they were fishing so they decided to increase the bonfire wood supply.

Cooling off in the lake with the kids

Boys always competing 

Sergey cooking mouth-watering kabobs

Gone by the end of dinner

Uncle Andrey entertaining the boys

Adrian playing with Liam

While biking earlier in the day, I passed this ice cream shop, so later that evening we all drove into town and got dessert. It turned out to be a great place for a cool treat. We were the only customers on both occasions that we went there. The owner was really nice. She makes her own fruit toppings and they were really delicious. One of my favorite things was an oreo float with chocolate/vanilla twist ice cream, maple walnuts, and black raspberries.