Friday, November 8, 2019


Last fall I was able to pick up some fresh roadkill. Thanks to the Camillus PD officer who was kind enough to give me a call. And since then life went out and the meat was aging in the deep freezer for the right moment. Last weekend I became determined to get this meat processed and made into sausage. But this time around I wanted a bolder flavor in the sausage and after some research and combination of recipes I created something that I really enjoyed.

Now that the kids are older, everyone helped out in the process, even if it was just moral support. The process of making sausage is lengthy but at the end of the day, its something that I still enjoy doing. With each sausage making experience I learn something new.

NEW THINGS LEARNED: after cutting up the meat, set it back in the freezer for about one hour before grinding it. The chilled meat goes through the machine like butter/much easier. With a commercial grinder its hardly a chore.

After grinding down the venison, I added ground pork shoulder and grinded it together again. One can simply mix the two together by hand. I have alway used a ratio of 2 lbs venison to 1lb pork. The sausage is a little more gamier but it tastes more like venison and it still provides enough fat to the meat so its not as dry.

Another change in recipe that I did this time around was not immediately season the meat. I planned to smoke the sausages 2 days later. I added the ingredients the day before, a few hours before stuffing the casings. I usually buy my ground pork shoulder at Wegmans and because of convenience I bought the hog casing there as well. Later when stuffing, I had some terrible casing that had plenty of holes. 

I had 14.5 lbs of venison meat and I added 8 lbs of pork shoulder for total of 22.5 lbs venison/pork mix. 


9             tbsp Kosher salt
9             tsp of ground black pepper
1 1/4 c    icy water
1 1/4 c    red wine
4.5 tbsp  celery seed
35           cloves of garlic freshly minced
45           bay leaves ground up

Mix all of the ingredients in and mix well. I then stuffed the sausage via the meat grinder with the sausage attachment. This is definitely a two-man job as its difficult to handle the sausage while adding more meat to the grinder. Thankfully my wife was able to help. This time around I didn't prepare the proper thread to tie off the sausage and later I payed the price as the sausage tore open. 

After stuffing the sausage, I kept the links in the fridge until the next day. 

On the following day, I placed the sausage on baking sheets on the table. This allowed them to be open to the air for a couple hours so that the casings would dry up and get a matte look. 

Meanwhile I prepped the cherry wood chips by soaking them in water for about 30 minutes. This was also the first time I was going to hang the sausage instead of laying it on the shelves. I purchased "s" shaped stainless steel hooks on Amazon. 

Once the smoker was prepped and the smoke began to wisp throughout the smoker, I began hanging the sausage in the smoker. I had couple strings fail on me and there was some restringing that was done to keep the sausage in the hooks. But it was nice to have the grate at the bottom to catch the rings.

And then the babying began! The weather was exceptionally nice but that didn't help my smoking process. The smoker temperature was rising a lot faster and there was a lot of adjusting by opening the vents and even the door.  

NEW TECHNIQUE: I titrated the temperature differently in the following method: 140 degrees for 1 hour, then 160 degree for 1 hour, then 180 degrees until the internal temperature reached a 152 degrees. 

The total smoking time was about 4.5 hrs. I always have a meat thermometer and an air thermometer in the smoker for more accurate temperature measurement. Once the meat temperature hit 152 degrees Fahrenheit, I turned off the burners. I had an ice bath prepped. I used the ice bath technique before it and it works really well. The idea is to bath the sausage in cold water in order to get the internal temperature down to 100 degrees or less as quickly as possible. This prevents the sausage from wrinkling.  

After a nice little bath, the sausage were spread out on some towels in the kitchen to allow them to cool off completely. The time frame is usually about 24 hours of cooling and curing. The turn out was 24 links/rings of sausage. 

A third of sausage we gave away to family and friends. A couple of rings we ate over the course of the next few days and then we vacuum sealed and froze the rest. 

Generally speaking, smoked sausage can hang out in the refrigerator for 3 weeks and months in a deep freezer.

1. Smoke sausage in cooler outdoor temperature.
2. Use better string to tie off the sausage casing.
3. Add more salt, maybe right after grinding up the meat.
4. Maybe add more pork for a sausage with more moisture. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Out on our second trip, we went to our favorite place in the Adirondacks, Rollins Pond. As a family we were looking forward to this trip for at least a week, because we were out of the country and missed our kids. This camping trip definitely helped us decompress and catch up on sleep. 

On the way up, the Chevy Silverado V8 handled the camper without any difficulty. 

Once at the waterfront campsite we had plenty of room to set up, but there was only one good location for the camper. At this site we had to dig into the slight slope at the back end of the camper. But was soft sand and easy to level overall.

After about 30 minutes of setting up we are ready for lunch!

Later on the first day, our friends, the Verenich family joined us for the week. We had a great start to the week with great weather. This time around we had some things planned for the week but the plans were flexible.

We enjoyed many nights by the fire, eating smores/sunflower seeds and just socializing.

Adrian was obsessed with daddy-long-leg spiders and really enjoyed playing with them. And maybe scaring the 5 girls with the delicate creatures.

The new dishwasher at camp

Annual friendship renewal-sunflower bribery!

And then there was a lot of time spent on the lake. From playing in the sand to learning how to kayak. And then there were the times of just simply sitting and enjoying the sunset. 

Two kayakers enjoying the sunset

Alexis teaching Mariana how to kayak

New solo kayaker in the family

We pulled off another "school bus kayak" trip

This was also our first time eating ice cream at Donnelly's. They have only one flavor per day. And those flavors change with the seasons and after few weeks. Overall pretty good but nothing meets the local Gannon's. 

On one of the rain days in camp we decided to check out a new dining place in Saranac Lake, Bitters and Bones. We got there at 5 pm and eat a good meal. We actually enjoyed a few of the gluten free options on the menu. We definitely recommend the place. 

When we went to Lake Placid we have a few musts, one of them is the Blue Mountain Deli. The 46 sandwiches and crepes offer plenty of options. We have our favorites: Saddleback and Big Slide. And for the crepes: Raspberry Mascarpone. 

As one of our sites to see, and mountains to "hike up in a car," we went to Whiteface. This is our second time at the summit and was definitely again. The weather is always on the sour side when at the summit. 

Another highlight of the trip was wild blueberry picking about an hour north of Saranac Lake. We ended up picking 4-5 gallons that we later turned into jam. We really enjoyed this experience and hopefully we can turn this into an annual trip.