Thursday, May 19, 2016


As the weather turns toward something a bit warmer than 30's and 40's, I start looking forward to a new kayaking trip. Its been a couple years since my last trip, so it was time for another one. It was also a great pleasure meeting Paul who is another kayaking enthusiast, amongst many other outdoor adventure seeker. 

Although prior to the trip we didn't have any major rain, the Current Water level database indicated that the Tioughnioga River water level was 3.7 feet. It seemed like a good enough height. However, when jogging my memory, last time that I kayaked the river 3 years ago, the water level was close to 5 feet. 

With good weather in the forecast and a couple willing kayakers, we decided to go for it. 

In the previous years, I started in Cortland (Yamen Park) and paddled to Whitney Point. This time I wanted to check out the northern aspect of the river. 

After driving down into Truxton, NY, I found a reasonable river entry point at the Chenago Bridge on Chenago St. There was a small gravel parking lot. Before long, we were in the kayaks and started out exactly at 1 pm. 

The river level appeared to be really nice with an occasional current. But for the most part paddle was necessary in order to propel the kayak at least 4 miles an hour. We were very grateful every time the current picked up a bit. 

Prior to the trip I anticipated the paddle from Truxton to Cortland to be around 2 hrs. But unfortunately due to the low water and slow current profess was a bit slower. It took us over 3 hrs. After sitting for that long we were an hour over due for a stand-up-and-get-out-of-the-kayak break. The first place we found was not perfect but it worked out ok. The waters edge was very muddy and getting out was tricky. We hung out for 25 minutes, snacking and resting. It was actually someone's mini camp by the river with split wood, fire pit, and a great view. Paul rigged a mini dock for getting back into the kayaks to avoid getting stuck in the mud. It worked out well!

A few more miles down the river we made it to Cortland. At that point we were a bit sore in the hands, biceps, and shoulders so it warranted 800 mg of Ibuprofen. In retrospect it really helped, especially the last few miles when we were cold and tired. 

When comparing to my last trip on the Tioughnioga, the water levels were at least 2 feet higher, with much quicker current. I was able to flow with the current at 5 miles per hour without paddling. With paddling it was 5.5 to 6 mph. Passing the Route 81 bridges I realized this will be a brutal paddling experience all the way to Marathon. 

During the last trip I took mental notes on possible bail out places. And with the river conditions that we had we made a wise decision to bail 4 miles before Marathon. It was an easy place to get out under the Route 365 bridge. 

After getting out of the kayaks it was a steep climb up to the road. Paul had broken his carry handles so we quickly improvised with some parachord on hand and it worked out well. 

It was very nice to have my wife, Lesya drop us off in Truxton, head to Vestal and spend a day with family and then pick us up on the way back. It's awesome to have a wife that enjoys kayaking and understands the husbands need for a little adventure here and there. 

Overall, it was a nice trip! It was fun kayaking with Paul. It definitely beats doing it by yourself. We enjoyed some good conversation. 

This may be the last trip on the Tioughnioga. I feel like I have a good understand what most of the river is all about. The only time I will be intrigued to venture out there again is some really high water. 

Weather: partly cloudy in the low 50's
Total miles: 26 miles
Total time: 6 hrs


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